OYAK Cement pays utmost attention to energy management, which is one of the main categories of the concept of sustainability. Energy efficiency means being able to carry out a certain work by using less energy but without reducing the quality and amount.

Energy source may be in the form of heat, gas, vapor, compressed air and electricity. Energy efficiency may be achieved through the measures such as use of more efficient energy sources as well as industrial processes and energy recovery, which are intended to enhance the efficiency.

Being aware of that the cheapest energy is the energy saved, OYAK Cement has achieved highly significant investments in energy efficiency. Any plants producing electrical energy from waste heat, any smart systems managing the process based on the measurement systems, and any investments increasing the capacity by reducing the energy consumption for each unit product may be some examples for such investments.

Energy efficiency is also an integral part of our environmental strategy, constituting one of the building stones of the concept of sustainability, and it maintains its position as one of the top-priority actions for preventing climate change.

ISO 50001 Energy Management System has been installed at OYAK Cement plants to make energy efficiency an integral part of our operational activities, and to make progress continuously. All subjects covered by the energy are monitored systematically by means of this system, and energy consumptions of the plants are managed professionally, and also competencies and knowledge on this matter increase gradually with the participation of all employees.


  • TS EN ISO 50001: 2011 Safety Management System